Greater Kansas City MGMA
Seeks Nominations for Board

The Nominating Committee seeks individuals who are interested in serving on the GKC MGMA Board of Directors. GKC MGMA is governed by a board of directors consisting of 5 officers, 4 Committee Chair Manager At-Large members, as well as 2 Business Partners At-Large members. The association has the support of and works closely with our Executive Director. Board meetings are held every month either via Zoom or at in-person meetings.

Nominee Requirements: 
Nominees must be an Active member in good standing for at least two year and meet the Active member requirements as found in the GKC MGMA bylaws in Article II, Section 1.
"The term “active membership” as used herein shall mean some combination of regular attendance at monthly meetings and/or sufficient participation in committees, sponsorships or other active participation such that the Nominating Committee can reasonably conclude the member to be nominated understands the nature, purposes and goals of the Association and will uphold its values and serve the best interests thereof."

Nominations are due no later than midnight, July 31, 2024.

GKC MGMA Central Office    
448 NW 1851st Road 
Kingsville, MO 64061 
GKC Email Address:

GKC MGMA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.